About Roving Park Players

Roving Park Players Mission Statement:

We believe in the collaborative and transformative nature of theater, as well as increasing accessibility to theatrical experiences. The mission of The Roving Park Players is to provide a variety of opportunities for members of the community to create and present plays and theater pieces that enrich, enliven, inspire, and challenge.

We are an itinerant community theater company committed to collaboration and to bringing theater to the people.

In this theater company, we believe:

*Theater, as a major art form, encompasses expressions of the best that’s in humankind.

*Theater has the potential to enrich, enliven, inspire, instruct and open minds and hearts to infinite possibilities.

*Theater is a communal activity, a team sport and can be satisfyingly collective.

*Theater is best made in a safe, supportive, collaborative atmosphere.

*There is inherent value for the theater artist in variety, controversy, challenge and change.     

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